Niseko Accommodation

Our Accommodation Guide and Directory helps you find places to stay in the Niseko area and puts you directly in contact with the owner. Currently you can choose from a selection of places in the base areas that service Niseko Annupuri , Niseko Village, and Grand Hirafu.
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Shin Shin
area Hirafu
type Luxury
bedrooms 5
sleeps max. 16 Guests

Shinsetsu Apartments
area Hirafu
type Luxury
bedrooms 2 to 3
sleeps max. 7 Guests

Tanuki Cave - 2 Bedoom Chalet
area Annupuri
type Standard
bedrooms 2
sleeps max. 5 Guests

Niseko Silver Birch Townhouses
area Hirafu
type Standard
bedrooms 2
sleeps max. 5 Guests

Lodge Mokoro
area Annupuri
type B&B and Lodges
bedrooms 5
sleeps max. 19 Guests

J-Sekka Suites
area Hirafu
type Luxury
bedrooms 1 to 2
sleeps max. 5 Guests

Ramat Niseko
area Hirafu
type B&B and Lodges
bedrooms 9

Shiki and Koyuki
area Hirafu
type Luxury
bedrooms 3
sleeps max. 8 Guests

area Hirafu
type Luxury
bedrooms 4
sleeps max. 10 Guests

Asuka Apartments
area Hirafu
type Standard
bedrooms 1 to 3
sleeps max. 7 Guests

area Hirafu
type Standard
bedrooms 1 to 2
sleeps max. 6 Guests

Birch Grove
area Hirafu
type Luxury
bedrooms 3
sleeps max. 10 Guests

Yukon Apartments
area Hirafu
type Standard
bedrooms 2 to 4
sleeps max. 8 Guests

Shiki Niseko
area Hirafu
type Luxury
bedrooms 1 to 3
sleeps max. 6 Guests

Black Diamond Lodge
area Higashiyama
type B&B and Lodges

Ezo Yuki
area Hirafu
type Standard
bedrooms 2
sleeps max. 5 Guests