San Sai : mountain vegetables

Spring Mountain Flavour Recipes In spring when the snow has melted one thing that many people do is get out in the mountains and gather the regrowth of plants. A few that are fairly easy to find in Niseko are takenoco [bamboo shoots] udo,  fuki, and gyoja ninniku[Ainu garlic]. Below are a few pictures of the some zan sai as found in the mountains or just after they have been picked. Please note that of the time of this being written mountain vegetable are still being picked in the higher parts of the Niseko Mountain chain.

fuki in the wild

Fuki in the Wild


Udo in the mountain

Ainu Garlic and Udo

Ainu Garlic and Udo ready to be prepped

The real trick to san sai is the preparation and or cooking so head across to our small section of  spring mountain flavour recipes that are unique to Japan, simple but simply delicious. Or in the mean time grab some takenoco and mix up some miso paste and mayonnaise to make a miso-mayo dip and eat while drinking beer in the comfortable spring climes. Got some recipes and want to contribute? add a comment and we can get back to you.
Miso Mayo Takenoko

Miso Mayo and unprepped and lightly boiled Takenoko