Winter Weather Forecast Predictions

27 Oct, 2015
With talk in the pub last Friday night of snow starting in 10 days (next week!) from a loooong time resident and the lastest winter blast we thought it was time to see what other forecasts are out there.
First up looking at the JMA long forecast below we see the next month is colder than usually, evident in the last weeks weather and possibly easier and more accurate to predict as it is somewhat directly related to what is happening right now and the winter forecast well says normal, so that is good.
(images below source JMA
Other forecasts from Yahoo have been chopping and changing over the last week as illustrated below , and the same is true for the weather forecast on our weather page, these forecasts are updated daily , if not hourly and are forever changing but temperates have been low and with it snowing on the mountain tops.
(images below source yahoo japan weather)
below from last Saturday - Monday to Saturday this week - Thursday is the 29th
below from Monday - Thursday (29th) to Monday next week
what conclusion can be drawn from this? well when we were looking about a month ago this cold upcoming month wasn't in the picture so as everyone knows it is hard to know exactly what the long term forecast will be, but from what we have observed here in the last 15 years is that winter after a winter the snow just starts to fall in Decemeber and doesn't usually let up until February and usually carries through into March. Check out snowfall graph for the last 2 years here, records taken from close to Annupuri Ski Resort.