"Ready" for winter

Buying clothes can be difficult in Japan if your are an average sized foreigner, all I wanted was a pair of black strides, nothin' fancy just a pair of pants. I found perfect styles,fabrics and prices but no perfect fits so I changed tack and wandered away from mens wear departments and into Murusaki Sports a skate, surf, snow shop. I found a pair of DC pants straight away, perfect everything. As I paid for them my mind wandered to snowboarding and a picture I'd seen recently of Mt Yotei in Niseko with its first skiffle of snow and then I saw the snowboard DVD rack.

From here it was all over, I skimmed over the DVDs, deliberated over Mack Dawgs " Double Decade" and Absinthe Films "Ready", picked Ready and hurried home. This video is amazing, not as ground breaking as Absinthes "Pop" but amazing all the same. Incredible cinematography, epic locations and mind blowing snowboarding from some of the best riders on the planet.

The black pants were a distant memory now and lay crumpled in the bag they came in. My thoughts now turned to powder where they will stay until the mountains open. If you love snowboarding and powder check out this flic for your self, here's a teaser. 
