"Hungry Like The Wolf" for Powder

Great powder riding just like we've been getting here lately! Unfortunately the video from the Tracking Eero series featuring Eero Ettala, Nicolas Muller and Kevin Pearce and the eighties track Hungry Like the Wolf has been taken down, so here is another with great POW!

Edited from the footage of "Tracking Eero" TV Series. Filmed on location in Hokkaido Japan and the surrounding mountains. These are the best shots compiled for one edit dedicated to Nicolas Muller. And his insight on snowboarding in Japan, and the rewards that follow throughout the filming process. While Eero Ettala traveled to Sapparo after a week of filming with KP and Nicolas to win the Toyota Big Air event, Nicolas stays after in the woods of Hokkaido. And takes "getting lost" to the next level. For more information go to www.trackingeero.com


hey i was wondering if you could please tell me who the band is in this vid?


Thanks heaps
Lael :)

Nah, don't know. was wondering that myself. music sounds like Kruder & Dorfmeister.

Did you check the fully length vid? some pretty sweet riding in that one too.