
St. Moritz of the East

Driving along the St. Moritz Bridge the other day it made me wonder what Kutchan and the greater Niseko area had in common with St. Moritz other than Kutchan being a sister city to the town in the Eastern Alps of Europe. After an hour on the net I really couldn't find much except for a reference on the Niseko Tourism site saying that the Niseko area was hailed as the "St. Moritz of the Orient" in the early and mid 1900's.

Niseko Spring Sunset

These photos were taken on 26 May 2010, I think they speak a thousand words each. In summary they say "anytime of the year is a great time to be here. "

niseko spring sunset

Ainu Garlic Salad

A real simple tuna and mayo salad recipe. You will be amazed at how tasty this mountain garlic can be.


Sake, Soy Sauce and Fuki and you have a great snack for drinking or at a BBQ.

Kutchan Fudo Kan - Natural History Museum

Spring is here and looking for something to do? Well, Now Fudo Kan is Totally cool! That the marketing line on the poster you see when you walk in the front door and I would have to agree! When I went to the Museum of Natural History [Fudo Kan] I was I little hesitant and I had heard varying reports. However I really enjoyed the varying displays they had from the massive satellite picture on the floor, the displays on the Zero testing they did on the top of Annupuri, the mountain we all ski and board, weather and snow displays and a lot more. Go along and check it out!

Konbu and Rice

A few weeks ago when people were wondering where the snow was I shot this photo of Mt. Konbu with the rice paddies lying dormant in the foreground. Three weeks later the snow hasn't really stopped falling and winter is far from over. We will be taking a small rest here at over the winter as our energy will be focusing on and rearranging this site. Thanks for reading and check out some of our archives to the right. Have a great New Year!

How Much Snow does Niseko Get?

The last few weeks has seen friends and I  do a lot of hiking in the Niseko mountains or Niseko backcountry,  trying to get every peak ascent under our belt before the mountains are covered in the white stuff we are waiting for. In doing this and seeing the predominately sasa[bamboo] cover landscape has made me think about home much snow this area gets! walking in sasa [caption id="attachment_642" align="alignnon

Autumn Fish

sanma Sanma or Pacific Saury is one of the many autumn foods that you get in abundance in Japan. It is cheap and can be eaten raw as sashimi or sushi(mmmm:) and cooked in various ways from baked, bbq'ed or in Sanma Takikomi Gohan [Japanese Mixed Rice with Pacific Saury] which you can cook by following dogs recipe in the great You Tube show Cooking with Dog.
